Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic Drainage
The lymphatic system is a systemic organ of the body’s immune system that helps to remove waste products, toxins, and excess fluid. It communicates closely with venous vessels for fluid balance. Lymphatic vessels are formed by a meshwork of large and smaller lymphatic ducts, nodes and organs that altogether transport lymphatic fluid. One of the major components of lymphatic fluid is lymphocytes which is a component of white blood cells that fight and eliminate antigens such as an infection, virus, or dysfunctional cells of the body.
Lymphatic Drainage is a type of massage therapy that follows the path of the lymphatic system of the body to facilitate lymphatic drainage. The goal is to increase the flow of lymphatic fluid, increase metabolism of cellular exchange, and increase the elimination of waste products and excess fluid from the body tissue.
Here at Effortlessway, we use a massage device called Biboting for lymphatic massage. During a lymphatic drainage massage, a gentle rhythmic pressure is applied to specific areas of the body. Massage is applied by cups of different sizes, on different body parts. Your treatment will be individualized based on your specific concerns. Cups will be connected to the main device which controls suction and release pressure in a rhythmic fashion. This enables a precise control of massage depth and efficacy. The cup also delivers negative oxygen ions and a warm sensation to the skin which activates cellular metabolism, promotes skin health and generates an overall warm and comfortable experience. Biboting can also be used in combination with aromatherapy, or herbal oils, to enhance your detoxification and relaxation experience!
The time is now – Schedule your appointment and experience the healing benefits of a Lymphatic Drainage Massage for yourself!

Common concerns addressed by lymphatic drainage therapy:

Facial fluid retention
“Bump” on the neck 
Undesired fatty tissue 
Varicose veins
Swelling feet